Use a Sparkfun COM-14662 12 digit 3*4 matrix keypad with a Raspberry Pi for PIR alarm system
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The keypad we used is a Sparkfun Electronics COM14662 which is available from Pimoroni in the UK for £3.50. Similar looking keypads are available on for $2.20
This next image shows you how the keypad is wired internally
The examples use the same GPIO pins as Sparkfun Electronics COM14662. If you’re using a different keypad you’ll need to look at the documentation and maybe make changes.
The Python code uses the Raspberry Pi’s internal pull-up resistors, otherwise you’d need a 10k resistor on each col line to stop the GPIO 4/17/22 inputs floating around between 1 and 0.
The software that figures out which button was pressed first scans all the col lines for an input and then switches the GPIO inputs around and scans the row lines instead, to determine exactly which key was pressed. Fortunately there’s some existing Python code to do this for us:×4-matrix-keypad-with-raspberry.html
I cut and pasted both examples into a nano editor session and saved them, but they’re also in our demo zip file. You can get that with:
You can run the demo with
and you’ll be able to enter a 4 digit pin and see it printed.
We also built our own working alarm system demo using a PIR movement sensor connected to pins 5V, GND and GPIO8 which you can run with
This script lets you input a 4 digit pin. If you enter the correct pin, which is 5678, then the alarm will arm. Once the alarm is armed, any movement detected by the PIR will print a movement detected message to the console. There are other scripts that build on this to email you a photo of the intruder and write the time and date of PIR alerts to a log file.
from matrixKeypad_RPi_GPIO import keypad from time import sleep import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os digitCount = 0 pin = [0,0,0,0] finalPin = "0000" validPin = "5678" armState = 0 pirPin = 8 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(pirPin, GPIO.IN) # Initialize the keypad class kp = keypad() def digitreturn(): # Loop while waiting for a keypress r = None while r == None: r = kp.getKey() pirtest() return r def message(): os.system('clear') print("Please enter a 4 digit pin using the keypad") def pirtest(): if GPIO.input(pirPin) and armState == 1: print("Movement Detected. Intruders!") sleep(3) message() while True: digit = digitreturn() print digit pin[digitCount] = digit digitCount = digitCount + 1 sleep(0.25) if digitCount == 4: finalPin = (str(pin[0]) + str(pin[1]) + str(pin[2]) + str(pin[3])) print(finalPin) if validPin == finalPin: print("You entered the correct PIN") if armState == 0: print("alarm will arm in 5 seconds, get out now") sleep(5) print("armed") armState = 1 sleep(1) message() elif armState == 1: print("alarm is now disarmed") armState = 0 digitCount = 0
and this version will take a time and date stamped photo of the intruder for you
import picamera from matrixKeypad_RPi_GPIO import keypad from time import sleep import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import datetime digitCount = 0 pin = [0,0,0,0] finalPin = "0000" validPin = "5678" armState = 0 pirPin = 8 camera = picamera.PiCamera() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(pirPin, GPIO.IN) # Initialize the keypad class kp = keypad() def digitreturn(): # Loop while waiting for a keypress r = None while r == None: r = kp.getKey() pirtest() return r def message(): os.system('clear') print("Please enter a 4 digit pin using the keypad") def pirtest(): if GPIO.input(pirPin) and armState == 1: now ="%y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S") print("Movement Detected " + now + ". Taking a photo") camera.start_preview() sleep(3) camera.annotate_background = picamera.Color('black') camera.annotate_text ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') camera.capture('/home/pi/' + now + 'image.jpg') camera.stop_preview() message() while True: digit = digitreturn() print digit pin[digitCount] = digit digitCount = digitCount + 1 sleep(0.25) if digitCount == 4: finalPin = (str(pin[0]) + str(pin[1]) + str(pin[2]) + str(pin[3])) print(finalPin) if validPin == finalPin: print("You entered the correct PIN") if armState == 0: print("alarm will arm in 5 seconds, get out now") sleep(5) print("armed") armState = 1 sleep(1) message() elif armState == 1: print("alarm is now disarmed") armState = 0 digitCount = 0
This version will send you a photo of the intruder as an email attachment
import picamera from matrixKeypad_RPi_GPIO import keypad from time import sleep import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import datetime #email setup below from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage import smtplib digitCount = 0 pin = [0,0,0,0] finalPin = "0000" validPin = "5678" armState = 0 pirPin = 8 camera = picamera.PiCamera() GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(pirPin, GPIO.IN) # Initialize the keypad class kp = keypad() def digitreturn(): # Loop while waiting for a keypress r = None while r == None: r = kp.getKey() pirtest() return r def message(): os.system('clear') print("Please enter a 4 digit pin using the keypad") def pirtest(): if GPIO.input(pirPin) and armState == 1: now ="%y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S") print("Movement Detected " + now + ". Taking a photo") camera.start_preview() sleep(3) camera.annotate_background = picamera.Color('black') camera.annotate_text ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') camera.capture('/home/pi/' + now + 'image.jpg') camera.stop_preview() # Send an email section. Make a new gmail account just for your Pi to use. Then enable "less secure apps" # msg = MIMEMultipart() msg.attach(MIMEImage(file('/home/pi/' + now + 'image.jpg').read())) mailer = smtplib.SMTP('') mailer.starttls() # Login and password of your new gmail address go here mailer.login("myraspberrypi","password") # Recipient is the regular email account on your phone or PC. mailer.sendmail("", [""], msg.as_string()) mailer.close() message() while True: digit = digitreturn() print digit pin[digitCount] = digit digitCount = digitCount + 1 sleep(0.25) if digitCount == 4: finalPin = (str(pin[0]) + str(pin[1]) + str(pin[2]) + str(pin[3])) print(finalPin) if validPin == finalPin: print("You entered the correct PIN") if armState == 0: print("alarm will arm in 5 seconds, get out now") sleep(5) print("armed") armState = 1 sleep(1) message() elif armState == 1: print("alarm is now disarmed") armState = 0 digitCount = 0